01 ago 2024

Call for Abstracts: Navigating Values Under Pressure

"Navigating values under pressure" conference is organized by EVS in collaboration with the World Values Survey Association and the European Social Survey at GESIS in Cologne on 8.11.24. The call for abstracts is open! Submit proposal by 15/09/2024!

European societies find themselves confronted with a loss of certainties about their future. Widespread hopes for perpetual economic wealth, ever extending individual liberties and physical well-being, indestructible political stability, and being safe from military threats have been shattered by the cumulated experience of economic crises, a pandemic, increasingly catastrophic impacts of climate change, and military aggression in the rather immediate neighbourhood.

The severity of the recent, ongoing, and likely future, changes in political, economic, and environmental conditions now raises the question of how stable established values actually are, and how much they actually pose constraints on the attitudes that are more directly guiding individual short-term preferences and actions. Cross-national repeated studies, i.e. the EVS, WVS, and ESS, as well as other surveys, provide well-suited data sources for answering such questions.

The European Values Study, in cooperation with the World Values Survey Association and the European Social Survey ERIC, organizes a conference to reflect on these issues and specifically invites contributions that ask questions such as:

  • Whether, in a backward-looking perspective, we have already observed value change that occurs faster than generational replacement would have led us to expect?;
  • What, in a forward-looking perspective, the baseline is for further changes to expect under the impact of the current and upcoming changes?;
  • How strong the relationship between foundational values and political or social attitudes really is, especially under conditions of societal crisis and stress?

Outside that focus, we also welcome other contributions using EVS, WVS, ESS data, regardless of the specific topical area, that allow taking stock of European societies in advance of the new data collection waves of the values studies.

Please send an abstract of not more than 250 words to  by September 15th, 2024. Acceptance decisions will be communicated by end of September, 2024.

Conference organizing committee: Markus Quandt (EVS), Vera Lomazzi (EVS), Kseniya Kizilova (WVS), Ruxandra Comanaru (ESS Eric), Beatrice Elena Chromková Manea (EVS), Claudiu Tufis (EVS), Quita Muis (EVS)

Secretariat support: Francesca Bellini (EVS)

Call_Navigating_values_under_pressure_Cologne2024.pdf [Download count:39]


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