25 sep 2023

The World Values Survey Association and the European Values Study Sign a Cooperation Agreement for the Next Wave

Acknowledging the added value of the EVS/WVS joint surveys and datasets for the data users, and realizing the advantages for the research teams in both networks, the following key principles of the future cooperation are proposed. 
To maximize the benefits for the data-users, the EVS and the WVSA shall aim at and explore jointly how to:

  • Expand the geographical coverage of EVS and WVS surveys in Europe.
  • Increase the joint core questionnaire (overlapping variables) to be surveyed by the EVS and the WVSA in Europe.
  • Facilitate harmonization of the socioeconomic and demographic variables.
  • Increase the amount of survey data by allowing split sample models (or conducting two non-conflicting timewise and funding-wise surveys) in Europe where possible.
  • Facilitate cooperation on data cleaning and publication of joint dataset and related deliverables.

To maximize the efficiency of cooperation for the survey teams, the EVS and the WVSA shall aim at and explore jointly how to:

  • Ensure regular, smooth communication and information exchange between the EVS and WVSA teams in countries where EVS and WVS have different National Program Directors/ Principal Investigators.
  • Avoid open competition over funding in the same country by introducing coordination of fundraising effort, altering the surveys timing or introducing mediation between the Principal Investigators (PIs) if necessary.
  • Ensure proper acknowledgement of all invested efforts from both EVS and WVSA, and presentation of the surveys conducted within the framework of this agreement as “joint EVS/WVS surveys in Europe”.

The Joint Liaison Committee (JLC) will ensure the coordination between data collection in Europe and the rest of the world and will cooperate as equal partners in the following activities:

  • Preparation and submission of joint funding applications in countries where EVS and WVS have different National Program Directors/ Principal Investigators.
  • Discussion and consultancy regarding sampling, sampling design, applied methodological guidelines, questionnaire translation, etc., subject to the minimum standards set out by the EVS.
  • Jointly approve the wording and order of the items in the common core of the questionnaire.
  • Transparency of all procedures and regular information exchange.
  • Joint data collection of EVS and WVS national teams in those countries where the two organizations have separate PIs, while these PIs retain their status within the EVS and WVS, respectively.
  • Cooperative resolution of any conflicts or disputes arising in this process.

It is expected that, similar to the previous waves, the two questionnaires will consist of joint items that are common to both and unique items that are specific to either the EVS or WVS questionnaire. The joint items define the Common Core of both questionnaires, while the unique items constitute the Separate Parts of the EVS and WVS questionnaires. Under the premises of this agreement, it is in the interest of both the EVS and WVS to take all meaningful efforts to maximize the Common Core relative to the Separate Parts. The Common Core will be agreed upon by the end of October 2023.
In addition, the EVS questionnaire will include a Separate Part of unique items that are not used by the WVS. Analogously, the unique items of the WVS’s Separate Part will be fielded only in the other parts of the world. Amid the differences in the wave timelines, the WVS will have the WVS-8 questionnaire ready in late 2023; the EVS will have their questionnaire ready in 2025.

To build cooperation and understanding, the JLC will explore opportunities for common future activities of mutual interests linking all members of the EVS and WVS communities, such as considering organizing joint panels, conferences and workshops, outreach, reports, publications, and publicity. Regular communications will usually be electronic and members of the JLC will be invited to participate in major organizational events, planning meetings, and workshops from 2024 to 2028, and information about any Calls for Papers for any conference panels, seminar events, or academic workshops sharing findings will be disseminated among members of the WVSA and EVS networks, to promote mutual cooperation and understanding.

For more information about the next waves of WVS and EVS and any questions about the cooperation agreement, please, contact and/or

EVS-WVS_cooperation_agreement_20_09_2023.pdf [Download count:87]


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