Mixed-mode Surveys in the WVS: wave-7 in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The latest wave of the World Values Survey in the UK was organized by the King's College London together with IPSOS who did the primary data collection. The survey was scheduled to launch in the UK in early 2020. It was planned to be administered face-to-face by interviewers in respondents' homes as a random probability survey. However, its scheduled launch coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic. This caused substantial fieldwork delays, but also provided the opportunity to redesign the survey’s methodology. In this webinar, we will discuss how Ipsos redesigned their survey methodology to a “knock-to-nudge” approach. This approach involved selected addresses being contacted by face-to-face interviewers who completed respondent selection and offered a range of mode: in-home and outdoor CAPI, video and paper questionnaires. Non-respondents were sent a further postal push-to-web survey with a paper questionnaire. In this webinar, Alex Bogdan (Research Director, Ipsos Public Affairs) and Cameron Garrett (Research Manager, Ipsos Public Affairs) provided insights from their experience and cover considerations for designing a multi-mode survey including questionnaire design, respondent selection and how to selectively offer modes to maximize response rates.
Watch video on the WVSA Youtube: https://youtu.be/9i7miApr7yM
WVSA_UK_WVS_presentation.pdf [Download count:350]
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