29 ene 2022

The annual meeting of the WVSA Governing Board

On November 19-20, the Executive Committee of the World Values Survey Association held their annual meeting. The event took place in Stockholm, Sweden and was organized in a mixed format with the members of the EC joining in person and online. Participants included WVSA President Christian Haerpfer, WVSA Vice-President and Treasurer Alejandro Moreno, WVSA Vice-President Christian Welzel, Pippa Norris, Data archive director Jaime Diez Medrano, Marta Lagos, Bi Puranen, and Eduard Ponarin. The agenda included both summary of the WVS wave 7 and planning of the next WVS-8 survey round.

WVS-7 wave commenced in late 2017 and, following a 1-year extension due to the covid-pandemic, has now reached its end in December 2021. With few surveys remaining in the field (Morocco, Libya, Maldives, India, Uzbekistan, Uruguay among the other), the main data collection effort has been completed and the data is available at the WVSA website in free access:

Since the moment of its publication last year, the WVS-7 data and survey related documentation have been downloaded over 250 000 times. First time ever surveyed by the WVS in wave 7 the following countries/ territories: Bolivia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Tajikistan, Macau SAR.

As of now data for 54 countries is available. Publication of the remaining surveys is planned for January-March 2022, depending on the exact date of surveys submission (still subject to change due to the corona pandemic regulations in various countries). The final WVS-7 dataset is expected to include 64 countries. Publication of the final WVS-7 release is planned for late March 2022.

WVS-7 was conducted in cooperation with our European partner, the European Values Study. To date in total 84 surveys have been completed jointly by the EVS and the WVS. The joint EVS-WVS 2017-2021 data-set is available in free access at the WVSA website: We expect the final release of the EVS-WVS joint dataset in March 2022 to include data for 92 countries.

Most recent deliverable is the EVS-WVS trend file 1981-2021 that can be downloaded and merged following the instructions:

The next 8th wave of the WVS is planned for 2023-2026. Strategic goals in WVS-8 include:

1) Expansion of territorial coverage (from 60 countries in WVS-6 and 64 countries in WVS-7 to 75 in WVS-8, with the focus on increasing WVS's coverage in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa).

2) Update of the WVS questionnaire with new relevant topics such as climate change and environmental protection; authoritarian principles and values, norms and practices; responses to disasters (pandemic or other); misinformation and the role of social media; polarization of values; political participation through social media (non-electoral participation); populism as well as methodological innovation incorporating survey experiments.

3) Update of the WVS survey methodology to accommodate new data collection modes and sampling techniques.

4) Deepening collaboration within the international development community, UN agencies etc. (for the WVS data to be used for developmental programs both globally and by national communities, including monitoring of SDGs).

5) Deepening collaboration within NGOs, academic institutions and research foundations (to enhance capacity and resources for survey fieldwork in developing countries).

The next round of the WVS survey in Europe will be planned and organized in cooperation with the European Values Study.

WVS-8 questionnaire drafting will start in mid-2022 with the questionnaire to be finalized by mid-Fall 2023. In 2022 the WVSA will also announce an open call for the proposals of new questions and survey topics. Calls for the new expressions of interest and new surveys teams will be announced in 2022/2023. We invite you to follow the updates at this website and social media (@WVS_Survey, @WorldValuesSurvey). For any questions, suggestions, proposals, ideas and remarks, please, contact the WVSA Secretariat


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