European Values Study (EVS) and World Values Survey (WVS) conference in Italy: Crisis after Crisis: Value Change in Italy

Since the beginning of the century, Italy has gone through an impressive sequence of crises on a regional as well as global scale. The economic downturn that began in 2008, the refugee crisis in the last decade, the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, just to mention the main events. Besides the social and economic impacts of the crises, it is essential to study changes and possible impacts on values and attitudes. The conference aims to discuss value change in Italy – also from a comparative perspective by considering different domains – and offer an opportunity for scholars studying the Italian case on the basis of EVS and WVS data to meet.
Deadlines. Abstracts no longer than 500 words should be submitted to the organizing committee ( by 20 June 2022. Abstracts may be in English or Italian and should be accompanied by 5 keywords. Authors will be notified by the organizing committee concerning the selection of the presentations by 30 June 2022. For any further information, please contact or visit
Conference Programme. A preliminary conference programme will be provided in early July 2022.
Conference languages. Keynote sessions will be held in English. Paper sessions will be held in English or Italian according to the presenter’s preference.
Registration. Participation in the conference is free of charge, but both presenters and attendees need to register. Registration will be opened in early July and will close on 6 September 2022.
Organizing Committee. Ferruccio Biolcati Rinaldi (University of Milan); Vera Lomazzi (University of Bergamo); Ruud Luijkx (Tilburg University, University of Trento); Giancarlo Rovati (Catholic University of Milan).
Advisory Committee. Rita Bichi (Catholic University of Milan); Ferruccio Biolcati Rinaldi (University of Milan); Antonio M. Chiesi (University of Milan); Vera Lomazzi (University of Bergamo); Ruud Luijkx (Tilburg University, University of Trento); Marco Maraffi (University of Milan); Giancarlo Rovati (Catholic University of Milan); Paolo Segatti (University of Milan).
Conference Venue. University of Bergamo, Aula 5 “Sala conferenze”, Piazzale Sant’Agostino 2, Bergamo.
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